
The Program Council of th Polish Culinary Cup


The Polish Culinary Cup is a competition for professionals, created and supervised by professionals. The Program Council whose member are representatives of the most important gastronomic organizations in Poland, such as the Chefs' Club Foundation, Euro-Toques Polska Association and the Polish Association of Chefs and Confectioners, oversees its formula and course of each edition.

The Program Council of th Polish Culinary Cup:


Barbara Surma





Joanna Ochniak
ambassador of the Polish Culinary Cup



Zenon Hołubowski
ambassador of the Polish Culinary Cup



Paweł Salamon
the winner of the Polish Culinary Cup 2016, ambassador of the Polish Culinary Cup




Marcin Soból
chairman of Euro Toques Polska (Euro Toques Poland)




Jarosław Walczyk
chairman of Fundacji Klubu Szefów Kuchni (Chefs Club Foundation)



Jarosław Uściński
chairman Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Szefów Kuchni i Cukierni
(National Association of Chefs and Confectioners)